
Welcome To The World Little Man

May 12, 2018
Welcome to the World

Becoming a first-time mother can be both exciting and daunting and your life certainly gets turned upside down having a baby to take care of.  You try to prepare as much as possible for what lies ahead but until the baby is born, you really have no idea how dramatically life changes.

Then, once the baby finally arrives,  you find you have so much to learn and so little sleep becomes part of your daily routine for the first few months. The days of heading out the door with just your handbag and car keys will no longer apply and it will feel like you are going on a camping trip for the day. Adjusting to your new role as a mother can be difficult but as the weeks and months go by, the joy of seeing your baby grow up through all the different stages of their life, there is nothing more rewarding …



Welcome to the world little man
Your life has just begun
I hope you will be happy
And your life be full of fun

I’ll teach you to count numbers
And how to ride a bike
I’ll help you learn the alphabet
And how to fly a kite

I’ll show you how to brush your teeth
And how to wash your face
I’ll teach you how to lace up shoes
And watch you win a race

Each day will be an adventure
And your little face will shine
Side by side together
With your little hand in mine

And when the rain comes pouring down
And the thunder roars at night
I’ll wrap my arms around you
And cuddle you so tight

So welcome to the world little man
Your life has just begun
I’m happy to finally meet you
And so proud to be your Mum!


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